
TEI Publisher Workshop

9:00am-13:00pm Monday 28, Villa Rabelais


Registration is mandatory and will be confirmed based on a limited number of 24 available seats.

Interested participants are kindly requested to reserve their place and confirm their attendance by writing to the email address:


Turska Magdalena (e-editiones / JinnTec, Berlin) and Sabel helena Bermúdez (Head of Digital Editions at JinnTec GmbH, Berlin)

TEI Publisher was originally conceived as a tool for publication, addressing a specific task within the editing pipeline. Over the past decade, it has evolved into a comprehensive editing toolkit enabling collaborative work and facilitating digital scholarly editions.

Thanks to its use of open standards and open-source development, along with an established community coordinated by e-editiones, TEI Publisher ensures interoperability and sustainability for research projects. It supports customizable publication across various output formats (HTML, PDF, ePub) through the TEI Processing Model. These capabilities are further enhanced by a growing set of integrations for the curation of edition sources and ancillary materials. XML transcriptions can be uploaded not only as TEI files but also in other XML formats, such as JATS or DocBook. Additionally, a customizable conversion feature is available for Word documents. The built-in graphic annotation tool allows editors to enhance the markup directly in the browser by selecting text spans and tagging them.

The interface can be tailored to match project-specific schemas and can be connected to custom external authorities. Recent improvements to this module include form-based curation of local authority files and a batch-annotation feature, enabling encoders to quickly tag and review all occurrences of an entity across the corpus. The annotation editor also integrates machine learning methods for automatic entity detection and tagging, as well as for training NLP models. The Fore Forms framework is utilized for metadata editing, currently implemented specifically for the EpiDoc community’s EDEp project.

Future versions of TEI Publisher will include a generic metadata editing module, allowing users to adapt it to their specific requirements. With these enhancements, TEI Publisher will cover all major workflow aspects necessary for producing a scholarly digital edition.



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